Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dividualism: For your own good, too

Dividualism (…for your own good, too)

Noun:  A description of a personal philosophy “in touch” with a sense of community, responsibility to the betterment of all those around him/her; one with a wish for the amelioration of the marginalized, scapegoated, or institutionally deprived. A credo driving the desire to seek what is morally correct and in the best interest of the greater good.

Do Something Now:  Despite the history of pension holidays and underfunding, recent bills before the House and additional amendments by the Senate demonstrate that the General Assembly in Illinois is quite willing to blame much of the unfunded liability for pensions on the public sector workers and illegally force them to pay for all of the state’s debt. 

Many Illinois legislators want to challenge both Illinois and U.S. Constitutions instead of addressing the causes of the state's budget deficits. Illinois public employees have earned their pension. Their pension is a constitutionally guaranteed contract.

That's why we have created a petition to The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor Pat Quinn, which says:

"Illinois has a pension debt and revenue problem. Most legislators know this, and they also understand the concept of justice and what lawfulness demands: that people must keep their covenants with one another. No justice is accomplished when diminishing public employees' earned benefits and rights because of decades of legislators' irresponsibility, corruption and incompetence. Stop Illinois pension reform. It is immoral and illegal."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:



  1. We did NOTHING wrong...paid into the retirement system faithfully. Why does the state suddenly think they can take our pension away (or make us pay more to get it)? It's not the state employees fault that we are in debt!

  2. Politicians, in order to get elected, promise benefits for their constituents that have no funding. Then they turn around and raid pension funds, again so that they can deliver and pay for what they promised. I don't think we pensioneers should be paying for their violations.

  3. Tell the Illinois State representatives to stop stealing our hard earned money. This has grown into and unbelievable crisis due to our politicians as noted by doing time in prison. They keep digging into our pockets ...it is time they now dig into their own pockets and pay up ... The State of Illinois and Chicago have made our State the laughing stock of the nation with all their corruption and I WILL NOT PAY FOR THEIR DISHONORABLE BEHAVIOR. STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY AND STOP TAKING OUR MONEY ... OUR MONEY!

  4. How about a class action suit naming every legislator since 1970 who did not follow the constitution? The crooks stole the money. Plain and simple.

  5. When I signed on as faculty of an IL Com College, I had no choice but to join their retirement system and no choice about funding my share. We all paid 8% for years and years. Now it is their turn to pay.

  6. I did NOTHING wrong either... I paid into the retirement system faithfully. Why does the state suddenly think they can take our pension away (or make us pay more to get it)? It's not the state employees fault that we are in debt!

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