Friday, August 24, 2018

Monsanto Eradicates Weeds and Us

Good Morning from Monsanto.  Snacks for All!


Have you been wandering along the aisles in Menards or Lowes, or Home Depot and seen the white plastic bottles of Roundup layered on pallets like rows of shark teeth waiting to be purchased at reduced prices?  

My last post warned about the continuing poisoning of ourselves and especially our children with the chemical, glyphosate, in Roundup.  Here’s another look in specifics at what levels we're feeding to our children, friends, or ourselves:

“In the United States, glyphosate was deemed safe for public use in 1974 and since then has been applied on crops by farmers. The most popular product that contains glyphosate as a main ingredient is Roundup, a product made by Monsanto. It is marketed not only towards farmers, but also heavily promoted towards people who have gardens at home. However, glyphosate, may not be as safe as the marketing claims suggest. Different studies have actually linked this herbicide to cancer and other health problems. [1]

“According to a 2013 study published by Thongprakaisang, et. al., glyphosate caused the growth of breast cancer cells in humans. Glyphosate was found to be an “endocrine-disruptor”, meaning it has detrimental effects on the body’s hormones, specifically on estrogen. High levels of estrogen is known to cause hormone-dependent breast cancer, where in breast cancer cells multiply and spread in the presence of estrogen. [2]

“According to an FDA- registered laboratory, popular American food contained worryingly high levels of glyphosate. Recent evidence suggests that glyphosate can pose a threat to human health at very low levels of 0.1 parts per billion (ppb). The laboratory found that popular snacks sold in most supermarkets had glyphosate levels between 289.47 and 1,125.3 ppb.
“Other countries all over the world, specifically the European Union, are more strict regarding glyphosate exposure – with the “safe” limit placed at 0.3 mg per kilogram of body weight per day compared to the US 1.75 mg/kg/bw/day. Here are the values of glyphosate content reported by the laboratory:

Call your Representative and Senator.  Inform that person you are concerned at the personal level as well when your neighbor is spraying Roundup around the yard and garden without any self-protection or comprehension of the breeze’s spread to your yard and children.
 Or?  Call your favorite snack company?  We are off Triscuits…and Nabisco.

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